As in the biblical account of Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the five thousand, after which was collected twelve baskets of bread and fish fragments, the goal of Ram’s Horn Ministries is to have twelve houses filled with fragmented lives who are being repurposed.
Men who consistently attend RHM discipleship groups for at least six months, maintain daily / weekly disciplines, agree to accountability, are prepared to live with house rules, and express a desire to be a house resident, may qualify to live in a Fragments Discipleship House (FDH).
Below are listed four ways in which these houses will be unique:
~ FDH houses would be low-tech zones – no TV or computer, with a landline included in the house so cell phones would not be a necessary purchase yet would be permitted with restrictions.
~ FDH residents would be required to attend weekly church worship services, a Ram’s Horn Coffee Group (discipleship group), and a recovery program such as, Most Excellent Way, Celebrate Recovery, AA, etc.
~ FDH residents will NOT be expected to transition out of the house into more permanent housing. Rather they will be encouraged to stay, grow, and put down roots, as long as they continue to meet and follow house rules and expectations.
~ If/when an FDH resident meets someone with whom they want to be in sexual relationship, in accordance with discipleship teachings, counsel will be available and required, to provide biblical direction and discernment in this process.
“And they did all eat, and were filled; and they took up of the fragments that remained, twelve baskets full.” Matthew 14:20
“Care is always taken by Christ to pick up all the broken pieces. The Lord All-sufficient is yet the God of economy. Since Jesus could create as much food as ever He pleased, you might have thought that it was hardly worth His while to gather up the fragments; and yet He did so. Waste is of Satan, not of God. God is not lavish of creation, nor prodigal of miracles.
Though the Lord can raise up in this place, if He pleases, fifty ministers in an instant, He may not do so; but what He would have us do is to make use of such powers as we have. If we are only fragments our place is not the ground, but the basket. We must not allow ourselves to be thrown away, or to be consumed by an animal passion, or to be left to decay; but we must be in the Lord’s store, ready to be used when the time comes. We shall be of some use one of these days, if we are willing to be used.”
-- Day by Day With Charles Spurgeon, by Al Bryant